Professional Diploma Qualifications

These programmes are suitable for those interested in learning traditional herbal medicine (Tibb), holistic counselling and psychotherapy (Nafsiyat), and modern (Complimentary & Alternative) skills to help patients and clients.

Diploma in Herbal & Naturopathic Medicine (Unani Tibb)


This programme is designed for the graduate to be able to run a safe, effective, legal, financially sustainable, and professional naturopathic and herbal practice based on the Tibb tradition, incorporating useful knowledge and skills from Complimentary & Alternative Medicine (CAM).

Diploma in Psychotherapy & Counselling (Nafsiyat)

This programme is designed for the graduate to be able to run a safe, effective, legal, financially sustainable and professional counselling and psychotherapy practice based on Ilm-un-Nafsiyat within the Tibb tradition, incorporating useful knowledge and skills from contemporary research and practices from diverse disciplines.
